Success in the Music Business: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Success in the music industry is often seen as an overnight sensation, but in reality, it’s more like a marathon than a sprint. It requires perseverance, determination, and consistent hard work over a long period of time. Understanding this long-term commitment can help musicians and producers navigate the challenges they face and stay motivated when progress feels slow.

One way to look at the music industry is like a pyramid. Everyone starts at the bottom, and the path to the top is different for each artist. The base of the pyramid is filled with aspiring musicians—anyone who plays in a band, produces tracks, performs live, or tries to make a career out of music. At the very top are the 1% of superstars—those who are rich, famous, and recognized as cultural icons. But it’s important to note that not everyone’s goal is to reach that top 1%.

Defining Your Own Success

Not every musician wants to be a global superstar, and that’s perfectly fine. What’s important is defining your personal goals. Where do you want to be? Whether it's earning a living from your music, building a loyal fanbase, or landing a record deal, your goals set the foundation for your journey.

Once you've defined your ultimate goal, it’s time to break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This strategy is essential for long-term success.

The “5 Bricks a Day” Metaphor

There’s a well-known metaphor about building a mile-long brick wall, where the key is not to focus on the size of the wall but on laying 5 bricks a day. This approach breaks down an overwhelming task into something doable. Over time, the small daily efforts lead to significant progress.

For musicians, this same principle applies. If your goal is to become one of the top 1% in the industry, don’t focus on the daunting task of getting there. Instead, ask yourself: What can I do today to make progress? Focus on small, daily actions that can move you closer to your goal. Over time, those small steps will compound into major achievements.

For example, if your goal is to build a fanbase of 1,000 real fans, start by focusing on connecting with 5 new people today. Whether it’s through social media, at a live gig, or in person, make those connections authentic and meaningful. These small interactions will eventually snowball into a dedicated audience.

Breaking Down Big Goals

Big goals can be overwhelming, but when you break them down into smaller steps, they become achievable. For example, if you want to earn a living from your music, don’t focus on making $100,000 overnight. Instead, figure out how to make your first $500 from streaming, merchandise, or live performances, and build from there.

As Steve Harvey explains in a motivational video, success often comes from taking small, consistent steps, not from waiting for a big break. I recommend watching his video for an inspiring perspective on this idea.

Real-World Example: Getting Music on Beatport

Let me share a personal example of how breaking down goals can lead to success. My goal was to get my music on Beatport. It sounds straightforward, but the process required several smaller steps along the way.

To have music on Beatport, you need to be signed by a label or represented by a distributor. My first step was to reach out to other musicians and ask for guidance. I got a lot of helpful advice, but it wasn’t enough—many labels wanted new, unreleased music, while I had already released my tracks. So, I tried a different approach: submitting cold demos to labels on Beatport. After sending hundreds of demos, I heard back from a handful of labels and eventually connected with AMAdea, a distributor that helped me get my music on Beatport.

This experience taught me that success isn't about luck—it’s about being persistent and strategic. I didn’t get results right away, but I achieved my goal by consistently taking small steps.

Consistent Progress is Key

Success in music, like in many industries, is rarely a straight path. There will be setbacks, challenges, and moments of doubt. But if you stay focused on daily progress, you’ll be amazed at how far you can go over time. The goal isn’t to achieve everything at once but to lay those 5 bricks every day.

For musicians and producers, it’s essential to keep the big picture in mind but to focus on the small gains that add up over time. Whether it’s gaining fans, improving your craft, or landing deals, success is built from consistent action.

Final Thoughts: Take Control of Your Journey

Remember, success in the music business is a long-term game, and the journey will be different for everyone. You don’t have to compare yourself to the 1% at the top. Define your own goals, set small, achievable steps, and focus on what you can do today to move forward.

Take control of your journey, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or change course when needed. As you build your career brick by brick, you’ll find that hard work, dedication, and patience are the true keys to success in the music industry.

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